Splash Plastic Master Card
About : Splash plastic is a prepaid maestro card which helps you in control expenses. Its neither a credit nor a debit card so that you can have neither the risk of any debts not even any credit check. It will be instanly approved without any credit history.
Online Since : May, 2002
Related Sites: www.kingolotto.co.uk, www.moneysupermarket.com, www.hyperwallet.com, www.guide2homeloan.com, www.funky.co.uk, www.free4-all.co.uk, www.dubitcard.com, www.toditocard.com, www.paynova.com, www.mycashplus.co.uk
Technical Details: Based on server Apache. Require active javascript.
Whois Info: Whois Info is available.
Q: I had a prepaid splash plastic card. I want to know whether it is accepted for paypal also or not?
A: Most of the prepaid cards which are master cards are accepted by paypal also. For further details you must contact the bank or zsxweccccccrrrrrrread the terms of the paypal for accepting the splash card prepaid card.
Q: I had a splashcard master card but I can't find the issue number on it. Why is it so?
A: All master cards prepaid cards need not be necessary to have the issue number on them. On somr of the cards it must be written on the front of the card at the bottom while in some other cards there is only 18 digit number, your name and the code number are written on them for security reasons.
Q: Had anyone knew about this splashplastic prepaid card? How can it be top up?
A: Splash plastic is a good prepaid maestro card and is good for those who have no credit score. You just have to top up in just few easy steps and can use it worlwide where such prepaid master cards are accepted.
Q: What is the difference between the splash maestro card and the credit card?
A: Splash card is a prepaid card which requires no credit balance and no credit check. Also the expenses will be in your control as all the payments will be cut automatically from your splash card top up and you will know how much balance left in your card. Also the application fees and all other charges will be cut from your splash top up credit card.
Q: What will be the chages attached with splash card account while applying or annually?
A: You can get detailed info about the charges by simply clicking here http://splashplastic.com/about.html#fees
Q: What is the customer service number and the mailing address of the splash plastic card?
A: You must visit the page http://splashplastic.com/contact.html and get detailed info about their contacts.
Internet Traffic: #596,900 internet traffic ranking for this splashplastic.com website.
About : Splash plastic is a prepaid maestro card which helps you in control expenses. Its neither a credit nor a debit card so that you can have neither the risk of any debts not even any credit check. It will be instanly approved without any credit history.
Online Since : May, 2002
Related Sites: www.kingolotto.co.uk, www.moneysupermarket.com, www.hyperwallet.com, www.guide2homeloan.com, www.funky.co.uk, www.free4-all.co.uk, www.dubitcard.com, www.toditocard.com, www.paynova.com, www.mycashplus.co.uk
Technical Details: Based on server Apache. Require active javascript.
Whois Info: Whois Info is available.
Q: I had a prepaid splash plastic card. I want to know whether it is accepted for paypal also or not?
A: Most of the prepaid cards which are master cards are accepted by paypal also. For further details you must contact the bank or zsxweccccccrrrrrrread the terms of the paypal for accepting the splash card prepaid card.
Q: I had a splashcard master card but I can't find the issue number on it. Why is it so?
A: All master cards prepaid cards need not be necessary to have the issue number on them. On somr of the cards it must be written on the front of the card at the bottom while in some other cards there is only 18 digit number, your name and the code number are written on them for security reasons.
Q: Had anyone knew about this splashplastic prepaid card? How can it be top up?
A: Splash plastic is a good prepaid maestro card and is good for those who have no credit score. You just have to top up in just few easy steps and can use it worlwide where such prepaid master cards are accepted.
Q: What is the difference between the splash maestro card and the credit card?
A: Splash card is a prepaid card which requires no credit balance and no credit check. Also the expenses will be in your control as all the payments will be cut automatically from your splash card top up and you will know how much balance left in your card. Also the application fees and all other charges will be cut from your splash top up credit card.
Q: What will be the chages attached with splash card account while applying or annually?
A: You can get detailed info about the charges by simply clicking here http://splashplastic.com/about.html#fees
Q: What is the customer service number and the mailing address of the splash plastic card?
A: You must visit the page http://splashplastic.com/contact.html and get detailed info about their contacts.
Internet Traffic: #596,900 internet traffic ranking for this splashplastic.com website.
Labels: Splash Plastic Credit Card, splashplastic