Horizon gold card,creditline etc...- Gold Credit Card FAQ

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Yorkshire Bank Credit Card

Yorkshire Bank Credit Card


About: Yorkshire bank offers various personal, private and business banking services to their customers including credit cards, savings, loans and investments, mortgages, insurances, travel, financial plannings and all other products. This bank offers safe and secure online banking facilities also.

Online Since: July 26, 1999

Technical Details: The website is based on Apache server. Simple and easy to use website.

Related Sites: www.barclays.co.uk, www.timesonline.co.uk, www.nabmarkets.com, www.lloydstsb.com, www.outletlocator.co.uk, www.natwest.com, www.independent.co.uk, www.hsbc.co.uk, www.guardian.co.uk, www.egg.com

Whois Info: Available.


Q: I want to transfer money from my yorkshire bank account to pay as you go credit card from abroad. Is it possible and how?

A: Yes, you can simply call the yorkshire bank and ask them for the balance transfer they will verify your account and the reciever's account and sent money there. You can also transfer your money using online banking services.

Q: My yorkshire bank credit card has lost somewhere and now I want to have the another one. What must I do?

A: You must call the bank for your lost or stolen card and tell them about it and to send the another yorkshire bank credit card. They will tell you all the procedure of getting the same.

Q: I am going to abroad and want to know whether I can use my yorkshire bank master card at ATMs there or not?

A: Yes, you can use your yorkshire bank master card credit card at ATMs as this master card is accepted worldwide. The bank will charge some fees for this transaction.

Q: How can I be able to check my yorkhshire bank transactions online?

A: You must visit the website www.ybonline.co.uk and register there using your Login id and password and you can check all your daily, monthly or annual transactions using your yorkshire bank internet services facility.

Internet Ranking: The Internet traffic ranking for this website is #26,637. Most of the users are from UK and Spain.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Paypal Credit Card


About: Paypal credit card uk is an easy to use website with 24 by 7 hours easy access including no paper work, all transactions and online statements which can be viewed online by simply login to your paypal online account and you can get them printed also.

Online Since: February 22, 2006

Technical Details: Apache server based. Active javascript is also required for the browser.

Related Sites: www.paypal.com

Whois Info: Available.


Q: I had money in my paypal account. I want to know that can I use this money using my paypal credit card?

A: Yes, ofcourse you can spend your paypal account money using your paypal credit card. You just have to apply for it in just few easy steps. After that you can use it anywhere these credit cards master cards are accepted.

Q: I had my paypal account and want to verify it without adding it to any other bank account. How can it be possible?

A: For verifyiong your paypal account, the bank will send some amount of money to your bank account and also you have to send some money to your paypal account using your bank account and then your paypal account will be verified. For this you must have a bank account which can be added to your paypal account.

Q: I am using my paypal account for many years and had paid all my transactions in time but still then they had denied my paypal credit card request. Why is it so?

A: Ask your paypal bank may be you had not enough credit limit for having the paypal credit card.

Q: How can I be able to add money to my paypal credit card account online?

A: You must visit the website paypalcreditcard.co.uk for knowing about the procedure for adding money to your paypal credit card account. You must add your paypal account to your bank account for adding money to your account.

Q: I want to apply for the paypal credit card and want to know that for how much time I have to be the member of paypal before applying for it?

A: You can apply for your paypal credit card as soon as you can be the member of paypal atleast 3 months of the membership only.

Internet Ranking: #658,659 web traffic ranking for paypal credit cards uk.