Horizon gold card,creditline etc...- Gold Credit Card FAQ

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Spirit Bank Gift Card


About: Spirit Bank is a well known Oklahoma community bank which provides various business and personal banking solutions includong mortgages, loans, money markets, savings, insurance and investments, Financial Advisors, payroll and lot more as per clients need.

Online Since: May 8, 1996.

Related Sites: www.nbcok.com, www.republicnorman.com, www.quailcreekbank.com, www.starbank.com, www.southtrust.com, www.stockexchangebank.com, www.statestreet.com, www.shamrockbank.com, www.paynecountybank.com, www.superiorfederal.com

Technical Details: Javascript must be active and the website is IIS server based.

Whois Info: Available whois information.


Q: Had anyone heard of this Spirit Bank Gift Card? Why is this card used for?

A: Spirit Bank Gift Cards are offered by the spirit bank which are safe and are like prepaid stored value cards. These cards can be used wherever discover cards are accepted for doing various purchasing.

Q: I want to get the spirit bank okc customer service number. Any help!

A: You can call at (918) 712-9292 or (405) 302-2000 number for clearing your queries related to spirit bank.

Internet Ranking: #1,090,631 internet ranking forspiritbank.com website. About 95% users are from United States only.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Household Bank Secured Master Card


About: Household bank credit card offers various master cards to their customers including some card member benefits. This credit card will be suited for your credit profile and you will be able to pre qualify for it. You can also apply for it online easily and pay online bills and get mobile alerts also.

Online Since: March 8, 1999.

Related Sites: www.advanta.com, www.capitalone.com, www.hsbccreditcard.com, www.householdaccount.com, www.orchardbank.com, www.hsbcusa.com, www.hcscard.com, www.gmcard.com, www.discovercard.com, www.creditonebank.com

Technical Details: Active javascript is required.

Whois Info: Available.


Q: What must be the requirements for applying for the Household Bank Secured Master Card?

A: For applyin g for the Household Bank Secured Master Card you must be 18yrs of age and must be the resident of United States with a valid social security number. Also you must earn atleast $12,000 for an unsecured card. Your application will be approved on the basis of current credit bureau report and the decision will be mailed to you at your address.

Q: Does anyone tell me about the contact number for Household Bank customer services?

A: You must visit the website www.householdbank.com and click at the Contact Us page at the top of the home page of the website and get all the contact numbers.

Q: I had lost my household bank credit card yesterday. What must I do now?

A: You must call at 1-800-771-7339 and inform them about your lost or stolen credit card and they will tell you about the further procedure.

Q: How can I be able to view my online transaction statements?

A: You must logging in to your hsbc credit card account with your ipin and password and view your all the detailed transaction statements online.

Internet Ranking: #15,190 web ranking for this website and most of the visitors are from United States only.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

freedom Eagle cash card

Freedom Eagle cashcard is a mastercard(MC) which comes with easy to use options.

How to apply:Easy to apply and pay options
How to Load the card:PayPoint / Post Office/ bank transfer/ wages,Salary transfer to card

Minimum Load value is 25.00 GBP

How to activate Feedom card:www.freedom-card.co.uk/online

How to spend:Its a mastercard so can be spend at any place where mc is accepted or online.

Payment/Fees plan:Freedom Eagle cashcard offers 3 type of plans.

Higher Monthly fees plan: Monthly fees is 3.95 GBP but Zero charges on any spend in UK.ATM withdraw 1.5% (Maximum 3.95 Ponds in UK)

Mixed Or low fees Plan:Monthy fees is less ,only 1.95 and you pay higher on your spends.0.20 GBP on each purchase.

Pay as you go (PAYG) Plan:PAG plan does not charge any monthly fees but a 2.75% charge on each purchase you do subject to maximum 1.25 GBP and minimum 0.50
Very good plan if you use this card occasionally

Credit Score/Improve your Bad credit history:You can apply for Credit Booster option if you have a bad credit score ot CJJ problem and want to use this card to improve it.You must change to Monthy fees plan that is 3.95 per month and at end of 12 months youyr spend will be reported to credit bureau

Cheque deposit option:Available.you can use it if you don't want to use your own bank account.

Customer Care:0207-147-1603
